We're celebrating 20 years!
Click here to visit our digital celebration and hear more of our story.
Curing Kids Cancer is celebrating 15 years!
Killian with basketball
Killian and his brother

Killian Loved sports.

Five-year-old Killian Owen loved sports — especially baseball, basketball and swimming. He enjoyed playing (and competing!) with his brothers.

On December 10, 1999, Killian was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. Despite the best efforts of those caring for Killian, and his own determination, the disease took his life on July 27, 2003.

He was nine.


We work in Killian's memory for children who need a cure.

We will fund cures.
We will find cures.

Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the U.S.

43 children

in the U.S. are diagnosed with cancer
 every day.

43 children are diagnosed with cancer in the US each day


children lose their lives to cancer each year.

That is the sad truth.

...but there is hope.

We are funding cutting-edge research that will lead to better treatments with fewer harmful side effects.

We will find cures for childhood cancers in our lifetime.


To date, Curing Kids Cancer
has raised more than



to fund research that is helping

pediatric cancers.

There are several ways to
get involved.

You can help make an impact by giving a donation of any size.

CKC fundraisers are a great way to raise dollars and awareness for finding cures.

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Our heart is for the kids.

Our heart is for the families.

Our heart is for cures.

Join our efforts to cure pediatric cancers.

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